
Ask your MP to stand up for disabled people

The UK government is announcing its budget plans on 30 October. It’s a chance to make sure our social security system works for everyone when they need it.  

But we’re concerned that the UK government will go ahead with changes making it harder for people with mental health problems to get the right support.  

These harmful reforms would have devastating consequences for an estimated 163,000 people by 2029. It could mean people with mental health problems losing chunks of their income when they need it most. And people who are already unwell could face sanctions that damage their wellbeing and push them further from the workplace. 

We’re calling on the UK government to scrap these harmful plans to restrict access to benefits. Instead, we want them to create a commission led by disabled people to make benefits assessments work for everyone. 

Will you email your MP today and ask them to write to the Chancellor? We’ve already put together an email template that you can view and edit on the next page. 

What changes have been proposed? 


When you apply for Universal Credit, there are specific criteria and boxes to tick to assess whether you’re well enough to look for work. But our experiences don’t always fit neatly into these boxes. Sometimes it’s obvious that preparing for work would leave you at risk of harm. 

That’s why there are protections in place so people at risk can still get the support they need. The problem is that the last UK government made plans to restrict who can get that protection in the future. 

We’re worried the new UK government will go ahead with these harmful plans.


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How we process the information you provide

We take your privacy seriously and promise to never sell your data. This action will use the information you have provided to send an email from you to your MP. We may also take quotes from your response and use them anonymously or with your first name as part of this campaign. For example, we might use them in our supporter communications and on our social media channels. We may also hand in your quotes to the Treasury and Department for Work and Pensions to show them why it’s so important that these reforms don’t go ahead.

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